On November 19-20, 2024, researchers from the SABio Project participated in the Regional Bioeconomy Conference, organized by the Universidad de la República and UTEC – Universidad Tecnológica in Montevideo, Uruguay.
Researchers involved in the SABio Project presented in the panel Results and Advances in Bioeconomy Theses. Daniel Kefeli, from the research group at the University of Münster and a member of UTEC (Uruguay), presented his thesis progress titled Challenges in Environmental Policies of the Forest Bioeconomy. Pablo Mac Clay, part of the University of Bonn research group and a member of Universidad Austral (Argentina), presented a synthesis of his doctoral thesis with a presentation titled Innovation Processes and Transformations in Value Chains: Perspectives from the Bioeconomy. Finally, Daniela Gomel, doctoral student at the University of Münster, presented her proposal titled The Factors That Shape Native Forest Policy Design and Implementation in Commodity Producer Countries. A Comparative Analysis of Argentina and Paraguay. In the same line, Celina Amato y Mónica Buraschi, associate researchers to the Münster group and members of the Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (Argentina), presented the results of their research projects “De residuos a recursos: bioeconomía circular y modelos de negocio en cadenas de valor argentinas” y “La perspectiva de la gobernanza en cadenas globales de valor de la bioeconomía”, respectively.
The conference served as a valuable platform for exchanging ideas on regional academic research in the bioeconomy, highlighting the contributions of different research groups from Latin America and Europe.
More information: https://fcea.udelar.edu.uy/institucional/eventos-academicos/jornadas-regionales-de-bioeconomia.html