Começa o GBS2020!

Começa o GBS2020!

The Global Bioeconomy Summit 2020 will open on Monday, November 16th. This year’s virtual meeting will start off with a series of three-day long workshops and follow-up with plenary sessions on the 19th and 20th of November, which will focus on innovations to achieve a sustainable bioeconomy.

The Center for Development Research (ZEF) is co-organizing two workshops. The first workshop will be held on November 18 and will focus on international policy instruments and governance of the bioeconomy and circular economy. The second will be a two-parts workshop, taking place on November 16 and 18, and it will address regional cooperation for innovative bioeconomy pathways to promote health and well-being.

Find out more information about the GBS 20202 here.

Plantaçāo de chá em Misiones, Argentina. (Foto: E. Silva)

Criaçāo de gado em Indiana, EUA. (Foto: P. MacClay)

Instalações de teste de variedades híbridas. (Foto: P. MacClay)

Frutos de cacao na Costa do Marfim. (Foto: J. Sellare)