Colóquios Interdisciplinares de Doutorado do SABio

By Trevor Tisler and Melisa Deciancia*

The first SABio interdisciplinary PhD colloquium was held on August 17th to 19th bringing together researchers and PhD student from both the Institute of Political Science (IfPol) at the University of Münster and the Center for Development Research (ZEF) at the University of Bonn. The colloquium centered on exploratory case studies of the bioeconomies in the three countries of SABio’s focus, which include: Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. Along with lively discussion from bioeconomy experts and advisors from South America and Europe, SABio’s researchers and PhD students presented exploratory investigations of each country’s bioeconomic strategies and policies from several Social Science perspectives. From Economics to Environmental Studies, Political Sciences and International Relations, the necessary multidisciplinary perspectives for investigating South America’s bioeconomic development were represented by the group’s interdisciplinarity. In this sense, the colloquium served as a starting point for in depth discussion on the South American bioeconomies’ characteristics, challenges and future possibilities as well as for opening new research enquiries.

The first day of the colloquium focused on the presentation and analysis of the Argentine case, carried out by Melisa Deciancio and Pablo McClay. The Uruguayan case was addressed on the second day, led by the presentations of Maria Eugenia Silva Carrazzone and Daniel Kefeli. On the last day of the colloquium the Brazilian case was introduced by Trevor Tisler and Guilherme Stein.

The two groups were accompanied by the presence of bioeconomy experts from academia and policy making, including: Roberto Feeney (Austral University, Argentina), Eduardo Trigo (IICA), Francisco Rosas (Universidad ORT, Uruguay), Raoni Rajão (Federal University of Minas Gerais, Brazil), Sascha Stark (ZEF, Germany), Fernanda Martinellli (ZEF, Germany), Jorge Sellare (ZEF, Germany), Jan Börner (ZEF, Germany), Karen Siegel (IfPol, Germany), and Thomas Dietz (IfPol, Germany).

* Trevor Tisler is a junior researcher at the Center for Development Research (ZEF) and Melisa Deciancio is a post-doctoral fellow at the University of Münster.

Fórum IAMO 2021 – Sistemas agroalimentares na bioeconomia

Fórum IAMO 2021 – Sistemas agroalimentares na bioeconomia

The IAMO Forum is an annual conference organized by the Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Transition Economies. The 2021 edition of the conference will focus on how the transition to a bioeconomy may shape agrifood systems and affect global food and nutrition security. The conference will take place on 7-9 June 2021 and the deadline to submit abstracts is 24 January 2021.

Find out more here.

Conferência do ICABR 2021 – Convotactória de trabalhos

Conferência do ICABR 2021 – Convotactória de trabalhos

The International Consortium on Applied Bioeconomy Research (ICABR) has opened the call for abstracts for its 25th annual conference. The conference will take place from June 29 – July 2, 2021, in Ravelo, Italy. Its focus will be on the challenges and opportunities caused by COVID-19 for building a more sustainable and resilient bioeconomy.

Proposal for organized sessions, papers and posters should be submitted via the conference web-site. The deadline for submission has been extended to January 15th, 2021. Submissions will be reviewed and information about acceptance circulated by January 30, 2021.

Click here for more information.

Começa o GBS2020!

Começa o GBS2020!

The Global Bioeconomy Summit 2020 will open on Monday, November 16th. This year’s virtual meeting will start off with a series of three-day long workshops and follow-up with plenary sessions on the 19th and 20th of November, which will focus on innovations to achieve a sustainable bioeconomy.

The Center for Development Research (ZEF) is co-organizing two workshops. The first workshop will be held on November 18 and will focus on international policy instruments and governance of the bioeconomy and circular economy. The second will be a two-parts workshop, taking place on November 16 and 18, and it will address regional cooperation for innovative bioeconomy pathways to promote health and well-being.

Find out more information about the GBS 20202 here.

Plantaçāo de chá em Misiones, Argentina. (Foto: E. Silva)

Criaçāo de gado em Indiana, EUA. (Foto: P. MacClay)

Instalações de teste de variedades híbridas. (Foto: P. MacClay)

Frutos de cacao na Costa do Marfim. (Foto: J. Sellare)