Dr. Mairon Bastos Lima
(Stockholm Environment Institute, Sweden)
Mairon G. Bastos Lima started working on bioeconomy governance in 2008. He holds a PhD in environmental studies from the VU University Amsterdam (2014) and has published extensively on various themes of environmental politics, particularly in relation to agriculture, social sustainability, and the Global South. Working in Latin America, Sub-Saharan Africa, South and Southeast Asia, he has collaborated in different occasions with the UN Development Programme, the UN Research Institute for Social Development, among others.

Lucía Pittaluga
(Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Uruguay)
Lucía Pittaluga is currently professor at the Economic Institute, School of Economics and Management, Universidad de la República (UdelaR), Uruguay. She works on several research projects on bioeconomy applied to Uruguay. She has also written consultant reports on the bioeconomy applied to Latin America and the Caribbean countries for the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC) and the Interamerican Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA). Since 2020 she is member of the International Advisory Council on Global Bioeconomy (IACGB). Formerly, she was Deputy Director to the Planning Direction of the Office of Budget and Planning of the Presidency in Uruguay, advisor to the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Mining and director of the National Innovation and Research Agency. She has written academic papers, books and book chapters on issues such as innovation, structural change and public policies. She has been a consultant to multilateral development institutions (IDB, UNDP, WB, ECLAC) and government agencies from Latin America and she holds a Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA) on Economic development from the Université de Picardie (Institut d’Étude du Développement Économique et Social-IEDES), France.

Eduardo Trigo, Ph.D.
(IICA / Austral University, Argentina)
Eduardo J. Trigo has a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from the University of Wisconsin (Madison), is an adviser of the Bioeconomy and Production Development at the Interamerican Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, IICA and professor at the Center for Agribusiness of the Austral University, in Argentina. Since 2015 he also is member of the International Advisory Council, IAC, of the Global Bioeconomy Summit, and in the past he has served as the Scientific Adviser for International Relations at the Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation of Argentina, as member of the Academic Council of the Alberto Soriano Graduate School of the Faculty of Agriculture of the University of Buenos Aires, Director of Science and Technology at the Interamerican Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture, IICA, in San Jose, Costa Rica, and Director of Research at the International Service for National Agricultural Research, ISNAR, in The Hague, The Netherlands. He also was Director of Grupo CEO, a consulting firm on agricultural and technology policy and management issues in Buenos Aires, Argentina, and has an extensive experience as consultant on bioeconomy issues and in the area of science and technology policy, organization and management, with emphasis on agricultural research and biotechnology applications to the agricultural and food sectors, to a number of national governments and international organizations. He has published extensively in his areas of expertise.