Mesa redonda de presentación del libro “The Politics of Bioeconomy and Sustainability” de Mairon Bastos Lima, Stockholm Environment Institute

Mesa redonda de presentación del libro “The Politics of Bioeconomy and Sustainability” de Mairon Bastos Lima, Stockholm Environment Institute

To launch the book “The Politics of Bioeconomy and Sustainability: Lessons from Biofuel Governance, Policies and Production Strategies in the Emerging World” by Mairon Bastos Lima (Research Fellow SEI and scientific advisor of the SABio project), Stockholm Environment Institute hosted a virtual panel debate with the author and three international bioeconomy experts: Francis X. Johnson, Senior Research Fellow and Leader of the Initiative on Governing Bioeconomy Pathways, Stockholm Environment Institute; Karen Siegel, Head of the research group “Transformation and Sustainability Governance in South American Bioeconomies”, Institute of Political Science, University of Münster; and Wahida Maghraby, Researcher, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Socio Economic and Policy Studies (ICASEPS), Ministry of Agriculture Indonesia. With an audience from several countries and continents including South Africa, Uruguay, Brazil, Sweden, Germany and Ireland the Q+A was lively and insightful.

For those who missed the event, a recording is available on SEI’s YouTube channel:

Taller sobre “Gobernanza agroalimentaria, desarrollo sostenible y bioeconomía en Uruguay” en CONICYT

Taller sobre “Gobernanza agroalimentaria, desarrollo sostenible y bioeconomía en Uruguay” en CONICYT

El 31 de mayo de 2021 ante la invitación del Consejo Nacional de Innovación, Ciencia y Tecnología (CONICYT) de Uruguay, Karen Siegel y Daniel Kefeli realizaron una presentación sobre “Gobernanza agroalimentaria, desarrollo sostenible y bioeconomía en Uruguay”. En dicha instancia participaron cerca de 30 asistentes de distintas instituciones, entre las que se cuentan el Instituto Nacional de Investigación de Agropecuaria (INIA), la Universidad de la República (UdelaR), el Ministerio de Ganadería, Agricultura y Pesca (MGAP), la Organización de las Naciones Unidas para la Alimentación y la Agricultura (FAO por sus siglas en inglés), el Instituto SARAS (South American Institute for Resilience and Sustainability Studies), la Secretaría Nacional de Ciencia y Tecnología y el Programa de Desarrollo de las Ciencias Básicas (PEDECIBA).

Karen Siegel presentó los principales resultados del Policy Brief “¿Promoviendo bioeconomías inclusivas? Lecciones aprendidas de la gobernanza agroalimentaria y la política de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible en América del Sur” donde destacó cómo Uruguay y Paraguay han gestionado el cumplimiento de los Objetivos para el Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS), haciendo énfasis el nivel de inclusión y participación de los distintos actores involucrados. Asimismo, expuso sobre el Proyecto SABio y sus principales líneas de investigación. Daniel Kefeli describió los distintos conceptos y visiones existentes de la bioeconomía, así como las características de las estrategias implementadas a nivel internacional para promover dicho paradigma y para contemplar los riesgos implícitos en el mismo. Por último, informó sobre el proceso que hubo en Uruguay para incorporar la bioeconomía en las políticas públicas del país y comentó sobre algunos proyectos en curso que trabajan en esta temática.

Durante la sesión se dio una enriquecedora y activa discusión entre los participantes donde se plantearon cuestionamientos y se realizaron comentarios respecto a los desafíos en la implementación de los ODS, la participación de la agroecología en el concepto de bioeconomía, el rol y los aprendizajes de la participación pública en el diseño de políticas pública, entre otros temas. Se finalizó la instancia promoviendo el intercambio para el trabajo en temas vinculados a la bioeconomía.

Proyectos e instituciones que están llevando a cabo proyectos vinculados a la bioeconomía en Uruguay:

  • Proyecto CSIC – Udelar: ¿Es la bioeconomía una estrategia plausible de desarrollo humano sustentable para el noreste de Uruguay? Discusión teórico-conceptual y bases empíricas para su implementación. Instituto de Desarrollo Sostenible, Innovación e Inclusión Social (IDIIS) – Centro Universitario de Tacuarembó – Udelar.

Presentaciones en la IAMO Forum 2021

Trevor Tisler and Pablo Mac Clay, junior researchers at SABio Project, presented at the “IAMO Forum 2021 – Agrifood Systems in the Bioeconomy” (June 7-9). The IAMO Forum is an annual platform for international research in agricultural and related disciplines. This Conference was part of the Bioeconomy Week in Halle

Pablo Mac Clay joined “Parallel Session B2 – Value Chains” and the title of his presentation was “Value chains and innovation pathways in the transition to a sustainable bioeconomy”. In this working paper, he presented a typology of value chains in the context of the bioeconomy. The main research question is the role of value chains in providing the enabling environment for a sustainable transition to a bioeconomy, and the potential welfare effects of this transition from a social sustainability perspective. The panel was completed by Pascal Grouiez (LADYSS) and Verena Beck (Thünen Institute) and was moderated by Ivan Duric (IAMO). Watch Pablo’s recorded presentation here:


Trevor Tisler was part of “Parallel Session A5 – Decarbonization and Green Growth) and presented on “Deforestation Contamination in Brazil’s Ethanol Supply Chains under the National Biofuels Policy”. The preliminary results from this working paper’s spatially-explicit deforestation contamination model were presented for three of Brazil’s principal sugarcane cultivating and ethanol producing regions. The main research question focuses on identifying and quantifying direct and indirect deforestation and its linked carbon emissions that may be contaminating carbon offset credit sales in Brazil’s first regulated carbon marketplace, the CBIO marketplace. The panel participants also included presentations from Lanjiao Wen (IAMO) and Mansoor Ahmed Koondhar (Northwest Agriculture & Forestry University), and the session was moderated by Florian Schierhorn (IAMO). Watch Trevor’s recorded presentation here:


Click here for more information on the conference.

Presentación en la Conferencia Annual de la British International Studies Association 2021

Presentación en la Conferencia Annual de la British International Studies Association 2021

Melisa Deciancio participó del panel “Inequalities in Bodies, Land and the Biosphere” en la Conferencia Annual de la British International Studies Association, abordando las dinámicas centro-periferia en la bioeconomia de Argentina, Brazil y Uruguay y, de manera más amplia, los impactos de la bioeconomía en la creación de nuevas formas de dependencia en los países de América del sur. El panel estaba compuesto por Nicola Smith (University of Birmingham), Amelia Morris (University of Law); y Sulagna Basu (University of Sydney).

Los artículos fueron comentados por Ben Richardson de la University of Warwick.

Acompáñenos en el seminario virtual “The politics of biofuels and bioeconomy: who wins and who loses?”, 17 de junio, Stockholm Environment Institute

Acompáñenos en el seminario virtual “The politics of biofuels and bioeconomy: who wins and who loses?”, 17 de junio, Stockholm Environment Institute

The bioeconomy offers a way to transition away from fossil fuels and transform our economies. But, like any profound change, this transition won’t be without challenges. Who will benefit and who may be left behind? How are the new institutions and policies being shaped, and by whom? And how can the development of the bioeconomy be steered to addressing socio-economic and environmental issues without perpetuating the inequalities of the fossil economy (or creating new ones)?

These questions will be discussed at the book launch event: “The politics of bioeconomy and sustainability: Lessons from biofuel governance, policies and production strategies in the emerging world” by Mairon G. Bastos Lima.


  • Mairon G. Bastos Lima, author of the book. Research Fellow, Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Francis X. Johnson, Senior Research Fellow and Leader of the Initiative on Governing Bioeconomy Pathways, Stockholm Environment Institute
  • Karen Siegel, Head of the research group “Transformation and Sustainability Governance in South American Bioeconomies”, Institute of Political Science, University of Münster
  • Wahida Maghraby, Researcher, Indonesian Center for Agricultural Socio Economic and Policy Studies (ICASEPS), Ministry of Agriculture Indonesia

Zoom meeting 14:00-15:00 CEST online, register here to receive the link. More information at

Presentación en la Conferencia Virtual de la International Studies Association 2021

Presentación en la Conferencia Virtual de la International Studies Association 2021

Karen Siegel, Thomas Dietz y Melisa Deciancio participaron en el panel “Governing Sustainable Development Agendas in the Global South: Global, Regional and Local Governance of Bioeconomy Agendas”, analizando los desafíos y potencial que posee la implementación de estrategias sustentables de bioeconomía en los países del Sur Global en múltiples escalas.

Karen Siegel brindó una discusión acerca de la medida en que el concepto de bioeconomía logra fomentar o constreñir transiciones inclusivas en Sudamérica.

Con foco en el caso argentino, Melisa Deciancio abordó la manera en que la implementación de estrategias políticas en bioeconomía influye en el delineado de un nuevo modelo de desarrollo y los riesgos de que conduzca a reproducir nuevas formas de dependencia en América Latina.

Formaron parte del panel Rocío Díaz Chávez del Stockholm Environment Institute Africa Centre y el Imperial College of London, quien se focalizó en los objetivos de igualdad de género y reducción de la pobreza, abordando la necesidad de contar con indicadores de sustentabilidad para monitorear el desarrollo de la bioeconomía en África; y Mairon Bastos Lima del Chalmers University of Technology, quién presentó una ponencia acerca de la manera en que el agribusiness puede amenazar la sustentabilidad de la transición a la bioeconomía en Brasil.

La comentarista del panel fue Carole-Anne Sénit de Utrecht University.

Acompáñenos en la conferencia del CEDLA el 30 de abril «Transformation to Sustainability in the Amazon: The Role of Place-Based Farming Initiatives»

Acompáñenos en la conferencia del CEDLA el 30 de abril «Transformation to Sustainability in the Amazon: The Role of Place-Based Farming Initiatives»

Prof. Eduardo Brondizio, Indiana University-Bloomington

This presentation reflects on the opportunities and challenges of place-based sustainability initiatives in the Amazon in light of development inequalities, global markets, and climate change. The context is set with an overview of the findings of the Global Assessment Report on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES). It then introduces the AGENTS project (Amazonian Governance to Enable Transformation to Sustainability), which has been documenting local-level initiatives across the Brazilian Amazon. These are place-based initiatives in rural areas pursuing changes in productive systems, governance arrangements, value-aggregation and access to markets with the goals of improving living standards and environmental sustainability. The presentation examines challenges and opportunities for local initiatives at the intersection with historical and current trends in economic development and policies in the region.

Zoom meeting 16:00-17:00 CEST online, register here to receive the link.

More information at

Presentación del proyecto SABio en el 5º Simposio de BioSC

Presentación del proyecto SABio en el 5º Simposio de BioSC

The Bioeconomy Science Centre of North Rhine Westphalia held its 5th Symposium on 5 March which also celebrated the centre’s 10-year anniversary. The symposium was opened by Christine Lang, Co-Chair of the International Advisory Council for Global Bioeconomy and former Co-Chair of the German Bioeconomy Council. She outlined the growing importance of the bioeconomy in the global context. 49 countries already have bioeconomy-related policy strategies, 16 of them dedicated bioeconomy strategies.

Karen Siegel presented the SABio project in the section “Bioeconomy and Society”. Her presentation focussed on bioeconomy and the SDGs in South America and highlighted both, potential opportunities and important challenges in international cooperation on bioeconomy.

Presentación en el «FAO Geneva Agriculture Trade Talks»

Presentación en el «FAO Geneva Agriculture Trade Talks»

On March 19, Jorge Sellare spoke at the FAO Geneva’s webcast series Agriculture Trade Talks. The series started in 2018 and it aims to be a platform for dialogue where member countries can discuss about trade policies and agreements that are conducive to improved food security.

This latest iteration of the webcast was titled “Agri-food Value Chains (GVCs) & Sustainability Certification.” It counted with the participation from members of the academia, the private sector, development organizations, and representatives of three FAO member states. The panelists spoke about how standards can contribute to sustainable development, emerging trends in sustainably-certified products, and the potential of new technologies that can facilitate traceability across value chains.

Jorge Sellare presented a brief overview of the latest research on the impacts of certification under sustainability standards on smallholder farmers in developing countries. He presented some evidence that sustainability standards can have positive impacts on all three dimensions of sustainability, but highlighted that the average effects tend to be rather heterogeneous. He emphasized the importance of distinguishing between different standards and noted that we still have a significant knowledge gap regarding how value chain structures might affect whether and how smallholder farmers benefit from certification.

More information about this event can be found at the FAO Geneva’s website ( and the full recording can be seen below.

Régimen político y transiciones energéticas: SABIO en el IV Foro de Sociología de la Asociación Internacional de Sociología

Régimen político y transiciones energéticas: SABIO en el IV Foro de Sociología de la Asociación Internacional de Sociología

No dia 25 de fevereiro, nosso colega, Guilherme de Queiroz Stein, participou da sessão Politics of Climate Change, organizado por Riley Dunlap, da Oklahoma State University, e Kerry Ard, da Ohio State University. Guilherme apresentou o trabalho intitulado “Does democracy metter? Exploring the influence of the political regime in energy transitions”. A pesquisa, previamente desenvolvida na Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, tratou de explorar a relação entre níveis de democratização e o percentual de energias renováveis presente na matriz elétrica em uma amostra de 136 países. Os resultados, ainda em caráter exploratório, apontaram uma alta correlação entre os dois fenômenos, sendo que a hipótese mais plausível para explicar a relação seria a adoção de políticas regulatórias. Assim, em sistemas democráticos, observar-se-ia um aumento da probabilidade de se adotar políticas que estruturam mercados de energias renováveis, as quais passariam a ser fundamentais para se avançar em transições energéticas.

Confira abaixo a lista de todos os trabalhos apresentados na sessão:

Risk and Adaptations to Climate Change in China’s Ecological Civilization Project: For a Differentiated Analysis of Eco-Compensations in the Sustainability Debate – Niklas WEINS, University of Campinas (Unicamp), Campinas, São Paulo, Brazil, and Leila FERREIRA, Campinas State University, Brazil

Does Democracy Matter? Exploring the Influence of the Political Regime in Energy Transitions. – Guilherme DE QUEIROZ STEIN, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil

Democratic Values and Climate Change Views: A Cross-National Multilevel Analysis – Jennifer GIVENS, Utah State University, USA and Kyle KNIGHT, University of Alabama in Huntsville, USA

Public Engagement Under Authoritarian Environmentalism in China: Climate Change Communication Networks on Weibo – Yixi YANG, Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada

Power, Knowledge and Networks in Climate Change Policy-Making: A Japanese Case -Jeffrey BROADBENT, University of Minnesota, USA The Geopolitics of Climate Expertise: State, Power, and North/South Relations – Tiago RIBEIRO DUARTE, University of Brasília, Brazil and Jean Carlos MIGUEL, Federal University of São Paulo, Brazil