SABio is organized into three components, which will be developed throughout the 6 years of the project. Each component is approached simultaneously from an agricultural economics perspective by a research group from the University of Bonn and from a political sciences perspective by a research group from the University of Münster.
Component 1: Country-specific case studies
The first component focuses on case studies from Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay. It addresses issues that are specific to the three countries to gain better insights on how their bioeconomies have been developing and which were main driving forces behind these transformations. In this component we work in close collaboration with our scientific partners in South America.
Component 2: Cross-country analysis and comparison
The second component captures the theoretical implications of bioeconomic transformation processes. The transformation of the bioeconomies of Argentina, Brazil, and Uruguay are embedded into regional and global political, economic, and social contexts. Therefore, in this component we analyze how the processes observed in the three countries might affect, for example, food security and ecosystem services at a larger scale, and discuss to which extent the transformations of national bioeconomies are actually sustainable.
Component 3: Scenario analysis and governance demand
The third component will be developed in the last three years of the project and it will build upon the results from the other two components. It will use the data and analyses from the first three years to develop simulation models that can be used to identify the main political and institutional challenges for the sustainable implementation of bioeconomy strategies.