Workshop on Argentine Bioeconomy

Workshop on Argentine Bioeconomy

The Stakeholder Workshop on Argentine Bioeconomy took place on July 28th and gathered a diverse group of around 40 professionals from different backgrounds and disciplines. Its main goal was to obtain insights into the status and future developments of the Argentine Bioeconomy. It was moderated by Melisa Deciancio (Uni Münster) and Pablo Mac Clay (Uni Bonn).

Assuming that the bioeconomy is a broad concept, the discussion was organized based on bioeconomy definitions from the European Commission and ECLAC, including biotechnological trajectories and local initiatives built upon socio-ecological systems. The discussion was organized in two main blocks: (1) knowledge and skills for the bioeconomy and (2) social and environmental sustainability of the bioeconomy. This workshop was an excellent opportunity for SABio researchers to interact with Argentine stakeholders and understand more on challenges and opportunities for developing the bioeconomy in the country.