Pablo Mac Clay, Junior Researcher at the University of Bonn, presented the paper “Can Auctions Foster Renewable Energy under Institutional and Macroeconomic Instability?” at the 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Sciences. The paper is part of the SABio project and is co-authored by Prof. Dr. Jan Börner and Dr. Jorge Sellare.
Renewable energy auctions have become an increasingly popular policy in the last few years. Countries seeking to decarbonize their energy matrixes have been adopting auctions to replace administratively-set incentives. Moreover, many of the newcomers to auctions are Global South countries, characterized by macroeconomic and institutional instability. This paper seeks to explore whether auctions are a suitable instrument to foster investments in renewable capacity, even in contexts of weak business environments.
The 3rd International Conference on the Energy Research & Social Sciences took place between June 20 and 23, 2022 at the University of Manchester. It is among the main global forums exploring the nexus between energy and society.