SABIO supports the program “Amazônia Bioeconomy Connections”

SABIO supports the program “Amazônia Bioeconomy Connections”

SABIO supports the program “Amazônia Bioeconomy Connections” a partnership for technology, innovations, and sustainability in the Amazon Rain Forest led by Brazilian Embassy in Berlin, Germany. Between August and October 2022, SABIO senior researcher Jan Börner was part of the committee that selected four Amazonian startups from an initial pool of 87 applicants. The selected initiatives will be offered support to identify and establish contact with potential German partners and the possibility to visit Germany. 

For more information see:

“Innovation networks and local value addition in South American bioeconomies: public-private alliances for a sustainable insertion into the global economy”

“Innovation networks and local value addition in South American bioeconomies: public-private alliances for a sustainable insertion into the global economy”

November 23rd, 10:00-12:00 (Buenos Aires/Montevideo/Brasilia) / 14:00-16:00 (Berlin)

Format: Zoom



  • Anabel Marin, Institute of Development studies, UK, CONICET Argentina
  • Victoria Santos, Instituto SENAI de Innovación en Biosintéticos y Fibras, Brazil
  • Isabel Bortagaray, Instituto de Desarrollo Sostenible, Innovación e Inclusión Social, Universidad de la República, Uruguay
  • Rafael Anta, Technology and Innovation Competitiveness, IADB

Chair: Melisa Deciancio, SABio Project, University of Münster, CONICET Argentina

Organisation: Dr Melisa Deciancio, Dr Karen Siegel (both University of Münster) and Dr Jorge Sellare (University of Bonn)

Contact: Dr. Melisa Deciancio,

» Download “Concept note”

SABio at GreenRio 2022

SABio at GreenRio 2022

Entre os dias 01 e 03 de setembro de 2022, os pesquisadores do SABio, Prof. Dr. Jan Börner, Dr. Jorge Sellare e Me. Guilherme de Queiroz Stein, participaram da GreenRio, na cidade do Rio de Janeiro. A GreenRio é uma plataforma de negócios sustentáveis, que reúne diversos stakeholders para debater temas estratégicos para o desenvolvimento e a sustentabilidade da bioeconomia brasileira. Entre os temas de destaque, estavam a busca de soluções para insegurança alimentar, novas políticas públicas para inovação em bioeconomia, os potenciais da socio-biodiversidade brasileira, os regimes de propriedade intelectual e as contribuições da bioeconomia para a segurança energética e para ações em prol da saúde humana. Além disso, foi possível conferir de perto novos negócios e políticas públicas, visitando os estandes de startups e órgãos governamentais. Assim, o evento foi um importante espaço para apresentar as pesquisas realizadas por nosso grupo de pesquisa, conhecer mais da diversa realidade que configura a bioeconomia brasileira e estabelecer novas redes com atores governamentais e acadêmicos e com representantes de organizações internacionais e do setor privado.

 Um dos pontos altos do evento foi o German-Brazilian Bioeconomy Workshop, que discutiu a cooperação entre Brasil e Alemanha e seus potenciais para promover uma bioeconomia sustentável nos dois países. Esse workshop contou com a presença do Dr. Tilman Schachtsiek, representando a Agência de Recursos Renováveis (Fachagentur Nachwachsende Rohstoffe – FNR) do Ministério da Agricultura da Alemanha (Bundesministeriums für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft – BMEL), entidades responsáveis pelo financiamento do SABio. Também, contou com a participação do Dr. Jorge Sellare e do Prof. Dr. Jan Börner, que apresentaram alguns dos principais resultados das pesquisas realizadas pelo SABio entre 2020 e 2022. Tanto o workshop, quanto os demais debates ocorridos na conferência foram registrados e podem ser acessados no canal do YouTube. Confira no link abaixo:


Virtual seminar with David Jofré (University of Santiago) on 8 September

Virtual Seminar “Mediatizing Agribusiness-related Conflicts in Chile: How Activists Still Resort to Legacy News Media to Raise Awareness on Water and Pesticides Risk

David Jofré is a journalist (Universidad de Playa Ancha, Chile) with a PhD in Politics and a MSc in Political Communication (University of Glasgow, UK). He is currently Assistant Lecturer at the University of Santiago (USACH), where he teaches contemporary politics and organizational communications at the School of Journalism. Previously, David Jofré was a postdoctoral research fellow at the Research Center for Integrated Disaster Risk Management (CIGIDEN) led by Pontifical Catholic University. of Chile His research focuses on activist media practices, social movement organizations and socio-technological change, with an emphasis on Chilean environmental governance processes, conflicts and risks.

Please e-mail if you would like to participate in the seminar.

David Jofré
Participation in the 9th European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS) 2022: “The dark side of sustainability”

Participation in the 9th European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS) 2022: “The dark side of sustainability”

Melisa Deciancio participated of the 9th European Workshops in International Studies (EWIS) 2022, “The Interconnected Worlds of the Past and the Present: Co-constituting the International” at the University of Macedonia, Thessaloniki, 6-9 July 2022. She participated of the workshop “The dark side of sustainability” and presented her work on the analysis of the bioeconomy through the lens of Dependency Theories and its implications for the Argentine case.

SABio project present at ICABR Conference 2022

SABio project present at ICABR Conference 2022

The 26th Conference of the International Consortium of Applied Bioeconomy Research (ICABR) took place at the University of Bologna from July 5th to July 8th, 2022. The main topic of the conference was “Bioeconomy Innovation Pipelines and Supply Chain Shocks”.

Two papers by SABio researchers were accepted to present at the Conference:

How Can Market Structures Hinder the Effectiveness of Inclusive Bioeconomy Policies? An analysis of the Brazilian Social Fuel Stamp. Authors: Kemel Kalif, Jorge Sellare.

Can Auctions Foster Renewable Energy under Institutional and Macroeconomic Instability? Authors: Pablo Mac Clay, Jan Börner, Jorge Sellare.

The International Consortium on Applied Bioeconomy Research is a unique international consortium of people interested in bioeconomy, agricultural biotechnology, rural development, and bio-based economy research (

Presentation at the World International Studies Committee Annual Conference (WISC)

Presentation at the World International Studies Committee Annual Conference (WISC)

Melisa Deciancio participated in the roundtable “The Politics of Development” at the World International Studies Committee Annual Conference, held in Buenos Aires on July 1st, 2022. She presented the chapter “Bioeconomy governance and (sustainable) development”, co-authored with Karen Siegel, Daniel Kefeli, Guilherme de Queiroz Stein and Thomas Dietz and published in her co-edited Handbook on the Politics of International Development (Elgar Publishers) with Pablo Nemiña and Diana Tussie.

Presentation at the Energy Research & Social Sciences Conference

Presentation at the Energy Research & Social Sciences Conference

Pablo Mac Clay, Junior Researcher at the University of Bonn, presented the paper “Can Auctions Foster Renewable Energy under Institutional and Macroeconomic Instability?” at the 3rd International Conference on Energy Research & Social Sciences. The paper is part of the SABio project and is co-authored by Prof. Dr. Jan Börner and Dr. Jorge Sellare.

Renewable energy auctions have become an increasingly popular policy in the last few years. Countries seeking to decarbonize their energy matrixes have been adopting auctions to replace administratively-set incentives. Moreover, many of the newcomers to auctions are Global South countries, characterized by macroeconomic and institutional instability. This paper seeks to explore whether auctions are a suitable instrument to foster investments in renewable capacity, even in contexts of weak business environments.

The 3rd International Conference on the Energy Research & Social Sciences took place between June 20 and 23, 2022 at the University of Manchester. It is among the main global forums exploring the nexus between energy and society.

In person SABio colloquium at the University of Bonn

In person SABio colloquium at the University of Bonn

After two years of working on a virtual format, on June 14th and 15th, 2022, the SABio team finally met in person!

The two research groups of the SABio Project at the University of Münster and the University of Bonn participated in the Colloquium held at the University of Bonn. They met to reflect on the project’s advance and discuss future challenges and opportunities. The colloquium was organized and coordinated by both heads of research groups, Jorge Sellare (University of Bonn) and Karen Siegel (University of Münster).

SABio at the Dresden Nexus Conference 2022

SABio at the Dresden Nexus Conference 2022

On May 23, 2022, the doctoral researcher Guilherme de Queiroz Stein and the research group leader of SABio at the University of Münster, Dr. Karen Siegel, presented the work entitled “A bioeconomy based on biodiversity in Brazil” at the session “Exploring Biodiversity and Economy Connections” of the Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC). The presentation brought the concept of socio-biodiversity to the debate on the economic potential of biodiversity. Also, it emphasized the need to pay attention to risks linked to biopiracy, the overexploitation of natural resources, and inequities in sharing benefits. The paper also discussed how governance over access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing could mitigate these risks. In addition, the panel also discussed various topics, such as the enhancement of ecosystem services, the economic potential of biodiversity, and the feasibility of seed collector projects to meet the demand for forest restoration, based on studies carried out in Namibia, Brazil, and Russia.

The DNC took place between May 23 and 25, 2022, to “create a dialogue on nexus thinking that fosters research activities and capacity development in the sustainable and integrated management of water, soil and waste.” The presentations were recorded and are available on the event’s virtual platform.