Apresentação do projeto SABio no 5º Simpósio BioSC

Apresentação do projeto SABio no 5º Simpósio BioSC

The Bioeconomy Science Centre of North Rhine Westphalia held its 5th Symposium on 5 March which also celebrated the centre’s 10-year anniversary. The symposium was opened by Christine Lang, Co-Chair of the International Advisory Council for Global Bioeconomy and former Co-Chair of the German Bioeconomy Council. She outlined the growing importance of the bioeconomy in the global context. 49 countries already have bioeconomy-related policy strategies, 16 of them dedicated bioeconomy strategies.

Karen Siegel presented the SABio project in the section “Bioeconomy and Society”. Her presentation focussed on bioeconomy and the SDGs in South America and highlighted both, potential opportunities and important challenges in international cooperation on bioeconomy.