On May 23, 2022, the doctoral researcher Guilherme de Queiroz Stein and the research group leader of SABio at the University of Münster, Dr. Karen Siegel, presented the work entitled «A bioeconomy based on biodiversity in Brazil» at the session «Exploring Biodiversity and Economy Connections» of the Dresden Nexus Conference (DNC). The presentation brought the concept of socio-biodiversity to the debate on the economic potential of biodiversity. Also, it emphasized the need to pay attention to risks linked to biopiracy, the overexploitation of natural resources, and inequities in sharing benefits. The paper also discussed how governance over access to genetic resources and benefit-sharing could mitigate these risks. In addition, the panel also discussed various topics, such as the enhancement of ecosystem services, the economic potential of biodiversity, and the feasibility of seed collector projects to meet the demand for forest restoration, based on studies carried out in Namibia, Brazil, and Russia.
The DNC took place between May 23 and 25, 2022, to «create a dialogue on nexus thinking that fosters research activities and capacity development in the sustainable and integrated management of water, soil and waste.» The presentations were recorded and are available on the event’s virtual platform.