Prof. Roberto Feeney, PhD
(Universidad Austral, Argentina)
Roberto Juan Feeney currently works at the Center for Foods and Agribusiness, Austral University (Argentina). His areas of interest are: Argentine producers’ decision -making, agribusiness value chains, and bio-economics. He is also involved in agribusiness teaching case writing. His current projects are related with the following topics: cognitive styles and producers’ strategic decision making, methodological analysis of agribusiness value chains, and the emergence and impact of bio-economics on agribusiness value chains.

Prof. Raoni Rajão, PhD
(Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)
Raoni Rajão is associate professor in Environmental Management and Social Studies of Science & Technology in the Department of Production Engineering at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG) in Brazil. His research interests include spatially explicit modelling, ecological economics, political ecology and science-policy interface with a particular focus on climate and forest policies in Brazil. He has collaborated with different agencies of the United Nations, the World Bank and the German Technical Cooperation (GIZ), and has advised senior officials from state and federal governments in the development and implementation of environmental policies.

Prof. Juan Francisco Rosas Pérez, PhD
(Universidad ORT, Uruguay)
Francisco Rosas is a professor of Economics and Chair in Econometrics and Statistics at Universidad ORT Uruguay, and senior research fellow and partner at the Centro de Investigaciones Económicas (www.cinve.org.uy). He has a PhD in Economics from Iowa State University and a BA in Economics from Universidad de la República in Uruguay. His areas of interest are applied microeconomics, microeconometrics and applied policy analysis, and conducts research in areas of agricultural and natural resource economics, production economics under uncertainty, economics of climate change, and agricultural policy. He was manager of the Area of Economics of Natural Resources at the Ministry of Agriculture of Uruguay. He is a member of the National System of Researchers (SNI) in Uruguay, a member of the Australian Studies Centre (asc.ort.edu.uy), and a professor of the Foreign Service Institute at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Uruguay.

Dr. Jorge Sellare
Wageningen University (Netherlands)
Jorge Sellare is Assistant Professor in the Forest and Nature Conservation Policy Group at Wageningen University (Netherlands). He has a Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics from the University of Göttingen (Germany) and research experience in Latin America and West Africa. His research focuses on global agri-food systems, with an emphasis on how policies and technologies associated with the development of bioeconomies affect rural populations and the environment. Before joining Wageningen University, he was SABio’s Research Group Leader at the Center for Development Research (ZEF) at the University of Bonn from 2020-2023.