Nueva becaria postdoctoral en el equipo SABio

Nueva becaria postdoctoral en el equipo SABio

We welcome Celina Amato PhD as a new researcher to join the research group in Political Science led by Dr Karen Siegel. Celina lives in Córdoba, Argentina, and comes from the field of management. In her country, she works as a researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET).

She was awarded a postdoctoral fellowship from the WiRe programme of the University of Münster. She will do research on “Alternative business models for circular bioeconomy in Argentinean agro-industrial value chains”.

As a management researcher, she is studying the bioeconomy and how it affects value chains to make them more sustainable. Different ways of doing business have emerged because of this, aiming to reuse waste in production to create more value.

With her WiRe fellowship at the Institute for Political Science with Dr. Karen Siegel, she wants to look closely at how these new business models work in the agricultural industry in Argentina. By understanding these models better, she hopes to provide useful insights that can help shape policies, improve industry practices, and contribute to academic discussions on sustainable development.

WiRe is a fellowship program for international female postdoctoral researchers at the University of Münster in Münster, Germany, hosted by its Welcome Centre for Internationally Mobile Researchers. The WiRe fellowship program pays respect to the specific challenges of women in research.

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